Meeting Minutes

Meeting Summary September 10, 2024

Hi, I’m Laura Taylor, the current president. First of all I hate politics, we don’t run things like that here. I’d rather just sit and have a chat about what we can do to support our kids and the staff. You may have seen me volunteering, usually here in the Media Center. I try to live my life by never asking someone to do something I  am not willing to do myself. I love this school, and I believe in everyone that walks these halls. We can and will make this the best year yet.

We did the Christmas Shop last year that the kids loved, and we did Penny Wars that then paid for the Foam Party, which I loved seeing the staff, kids and parents all there together. These are more of the things I would love to see happen.

More events can happen with more parent involvement. We had a core of 5 or 6 people last year that always helped, but this year we need more participation to make these things happen. We were so tired and burnt out last year, I learned a valuable lesson, we need a team!!!

Also, this is Mrs. Moffitt’s house. We are just visitors, everything must have her approval, but she is pretty chill. She wants the kids and staff to have just as much fun as I do.


My personal PTO goals are:

Some things brought up to work on for the school are a teacher calming corner and outdoor benches.

Upcoming Fundraisers: 

Boo Grams

Fall Festival

Photography Mini Sessions


Ok we have to have a board to maintain our 501(c)(3)

The Executive Board Positions must be filled, but I would love a full board with the coordinators positions filled also.

Is anyone interested in filling a position? We will vote at the next meeting which is October 8th. In our Bylaws there are long legal descriptions of our positions, let me give you the Cliff Notes version:

Vice President - if I can’t run a meeting then you're up, if I quit you’re president now

Treasurer - self explanatory

Secretary - keep track of what we talk about during the meetings and send it to me to post on the website

Social Media Coordinator-Currently filled

Fundraising Coordinator- We work together on fundraisers, you either give me the summary to talk about during the following meeting or you can give the report

Personnel Coordinator- You keep track of who are members, who are paid members, and who is volunteering

Historical Coordinator- You take photos of the things we do and keep track of volunteer hours

Questions, Comments, or Concerns?

Basically we aren’t looking for a lifelong commitment here. I don’t expect everyone here to be a part of everything we do. If you can, great, I will see you there, if you can’t do everything that’s great too, just do what you can when you can. I get it life is crazy, I just want you to come help any way you can!!

PTO phone number: (910)378-9303
PTO Email:

PTO website: